What daily habits have improved your life the most?
Developing good habits is the basis of personal development and growth.
If you take building habits seriously, you can build routines with solid character that benefit you daily and eventually pay off long-term.
Small habits are underestimated. A little progress each day adds up to big results.
- Reading 20 pages per day is 30 books/year
- Running 1 mile per day is 365 miles/year
- Saving $10 per day is $3,650 per year
- Becoming 1% better per day is 37x better per year.
One of the most important rules for success is simply to “form good habits and make them your masters.”- Brian Tracy.
10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life
1) Workout physically and mentally
Your mind and body require daily training.
Reading and exercising are two of the best mental challenges you can give yourself.
They are among the little habits that can improve your life and mental health.
It stimulates your mind, increases creativity, and can decrease stress.
Physical exercises you can incorporate include walking daily, lifting weights, sprints, etc.
2) Practice Gratitude daily
You develop gratitude by focusing on what you have rather than what you don’t.
Be grateful for basic things like your health, family, clothes, food, friends, and the gift of being alive.
Daily gratitude can improve your life in 2022 without much effort.
Pay attention to all the wonderful things that come your way.
You can use a gratitude app that reminds you to journal things you’re grateful for, or you can simply make a habit of writing at least three things you’re grateful for every single day.
3) Eat Real food
If you’re looking to improve your health, you should prioritize real foods—foods that have been minimally processed.
Focusing on Real foods is among the top healthy habits to improve your life you can implement right now.
Stay away from most processed foods that are loaded with sugar and trans fat, including soda, fries and several takeout restaurants.
You do this by cooking your own meals or when you eat out, sticking to local meals.
4) Prioritize your sleep
What self-care habits have changed your life? Sleep is a big one for me.
Sleep quality is important for both mental and physical health.
Unless you’re doing something extremely important, like studying for a test or exam or engaging in a vigil, you shouldn’t sacrifice your sleeping hours for something mundane.
How to prioritize your sleep:
- Go to bed Early
- Avoid blue lights from phones/TV screens during sleeping hours.
- Sleep for 7–8 hours daily
- Take power naps during the day e.g. 30 minutes (or 1 hours) every time you had a bad night of sleep the previous day.
5) Learn from failures
A culture or habit that totally avoids mistakes is a recipe for failure. It’s a recipe that hinders learning, instills fear and cover-ups.
Instead learn to turn failure into feedback by learning from your failures. Thomas Edison failed a thousand times before inventing the electric bulb.
What was remarkable about this success was his perception; when asked how it felt to fail so many times, he replied:
“I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.”
6) Spend time in Nature
Nature is known to boost your immune system, improve your mood, & make you more creative.
Find time to immerse yourself in nature, breathe deeply, and expose yourself to sunlight as safely as possible.
7) Play the Long game
Do things that are beyond the now. Do things your future self would be proud of.
“People who take a long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and activities than people who give very little thought to the FUTURE – Ray Dalio (Principles).”
Long-term thinking improves short-term decision-making.
8) Become 100% Responsible for your life
Take ownership of your life. You’re responsible for every circumstance you find yourself in today.
Stop blaming family, parents, or your environment. As a habit, desist from complaining always.
Choose to take 100% responsibility not just when things go right, but failures, setbacks. Only then can you learn and do better next time.
9) Learn to Save & Invest your money
Thinking of the best financial habits that can changed your life?
It doesn’t matter how much you earn. “Eating all” is a completely foolish strategy in building wealth.
You can learn to live on less than what you make. Then you can easily save and invest the remaining.
Invest in businesses, stocks and firms you believe in.
10) Associate with quality people
Successful people while building their circles and making friends always prioritize quality over quantity.
Surround yourself with people that motivate and inspire you to be better rather than bring you down or introduce you to various vices.
11) Take shots
No matter how much time you dedicate to learning, you got to take shots.
Jim Rohn clearly stated: “if you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool, if you let your learning lead to ACTION, you become wealthy.”
In wrapping things up, it’s pretty clear that the magic lies in the everyday stuff we do. Those tiny habits we repeat, day in and day out, can totally change the game. It’s like the slow and steady wins the race kinda vibe, you know?
So, let’s talk about those habits – reading a handful of pages, running a mile, stashing away a bit of cash. It might seem small, but hey, the math adds up! And that 1% improvement rule? Man, that’s the secret sauce to becoming a way better version of yourself.
We dove into some seriously cool habits, like working out the body and mind—because, hey, both need a daily workout, right? And then there’s this gratitude thing. Taking a moment each day to be thankful for the basics – health, fam, food, friends. It’s like a little mental reset that can totally change the vibe.
Eating real food – not that processed stuff – it’s a game-changer too. And don’t even get me started on the sleep gig. Quality snooze time is like a golden ticket to being a superhero in your own life.
Failure? It’s not the end; it’s just a plot twist. Learning from it, turning it into a lesson – that’s how Edison nailed the light bulb after a thousand tries. Nature, the long game, owning your life, saving money, hanging with quality peeps – these are like the vitamins for a kickass life.
Oh, and that bonus point about taking shots? Learning’s cool, but doing stuff with that knowledge? That’s where the real party’s at, according to Jim Rohn.
So, as we roll with these habits, let’s not just be know-it-alls. Let’s be do-it-alls. ‘It’s in those daily habits that we’re not just shaping our routine; we’re crafting our own epic saga. Cheers to the little things that make the big things happen!

I got attracted to tech from an early age getting close to my Father. Coupled with learning some high end skills i was able to build a 6 figure Ecommerce store a few years ago after graduating from Pharmacy.
The only way I have found to express myself as an introvert is through writing.
I’m convinced 100% that to build a 6-7-figure business and beyond you need to invest in yourself and your personal development.
The more you grow, the more your business will grow.
PS: I wrote a short book on why you don’t need more motivation and how to push through in such moments – get it here: