10 Proven Strategies to Challenge Limiting Beliefs

It’s easy to stay safe & secure in our decisions when we’re blinded by our limiting beliefs.

A limiting belief is a state of mind, conviction, or idea that you think to be true that limits you in some way.

This limiting belief could be about you, your interactions with others, or the world and how it works. You can tell how much someone believes in their dreams by how much time and resources they invest into it.

Our limiting beliefs may sound fun to us until we challenge them and realize how much they’ve denied us from attracting and finding new opportunities.

And this is not an excuse to pretend that you need to clear all limiting beliefs before you can succeed or start taking action. ⁣

Do it without Motivation – the Secrets to Exploding Success

According to Tina Gill, Limiting beliefs typically come in three flavors:

  1. Limiting self-perceptions that give you the impression that something is fundamentally wrong with you to prevent you from doing something.
  2. Limiting worldviews that give you the impression that nothing is possible and that no one will let you
  3. Limiting life beliefs that give you the impression that something is too difficult for you to handle.

Everyone has experienced self-doubt at some point in their lives, but it’s important to overcome these limiting beliefs if you want to achieve success.

“I can’t”

“If only I had this”

“I need to do X” before I can succeed in Y”

All these are limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.

This article outlines ten ways in which you can challenge your limiting beliefs and start to embrace change.

10 steps to challenging your limiting beliefs:

1: Acknowledge them

Its hard to find solutions without first finding the root cause. By understanding what these limiting beliefs are and where they come from, you can start to challenge them.

Grab a piece of paper. Be honest with yourself. Take a moment to find out how they got there in the first place.

Then try to find out what your limiting beliefs mean to you?

E.g. when you say “I’m not worthy of love,”

“I can’t make money online because I’m from a third-world country.”

“I don’t have enough money to get a degree.”

“Life sucks to be an introvert.”

What are your limiting beliefs of late that you’ve become aware of?

2: Re-framing limiting beliefs

Whatever you have achieved so far is because of your current way of thinking and the resulting actions.

The key is replacing those limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Start correcting those beliefs.

“I’m worthy of love because I’m enough.”

“I can make money online irrespective of where i reside, as long as you provide value.”

“I can get whatever level of education I want as long as I put my mind to it.”

“My introversion is a gift, not a hindrance.”

Let go of all limiting beliefs that do not serve you.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to come from a wealthy family or reside in a particular location to be successful.

Change your way of thinking to get different results.

3: Embrace the challenge of proving your limiting beliefs wrong

Start proving your limiting beliefs wrong. By questioning why you believe them, you can start to see if they’re really true.

It may take you finding real-life examples of people crushing their limiting beliefs to keep you motivated. But the idea is to embrace the challenge.

Our minds open up when we want them to, and we start seeing exactly what we want to manifest.

If you’re afraid of receiving love, start giving it out. Not just waiting for a romantic relationship, but expressing love towards other people.

It takes sacrifice, patience, and kindness to do that which you may have been shying away from. The more struggles you expose yourself to, the more powerful you become.

Life begins outside our comfort zone. This means that if you want to become powerful, you must challenge your limits.

4: Visualizing your ideal life

Most of our actions are not aligned to the life we want to live. Yet our limiting beliefs are keep us blind to this.

All our limiting thoughts arise from our current self-image, beliefs and your opinions.

E.g. if you want to make money online regardless of living in a living in a first or third world – start envisioning yourself as already earning money online from the value you provide.

Now what would such person appear like. Obviously they won’t associate their time to money.

They’ll be learning and implementing high income skills in their free time. Plus taking action daily.

After you’ve challenged your beliefs, it’s important to put what you’ve learned into practice in your everyday life.

5: Taking decisive action to counter them

Now you’ve identified your limiting beliefs, challenged them and shifted your thoughts.

Take the time and effort looking for new opportunities in your life and business.

  • Choose courage over fear.
  • Action over indecision.

By taking action despite your fears, you can start to overcome them.

Do it without Motivation – the Secrets to Exploding Success

6: Surrounding yourself with people who have overcome their limiting beliefs

It’s a whole different game when you play with people who have defeated their limiting beliefs.

First, it’s a game of unlimited possibilities.

Second they’re not accepting your own limiting beliefs get in their way therefore pushing you to level up.

By talking to people who have different experiences or perspectives, you can learn new things and challenge your beliefs.

7: Don’t allow other people instill their limiting beliefs unto you.

You’re going to find people who do practically nothing but go out of their way to tell you what is possible or not.

The key is to live from an open heart and believing in your limitless potential by avoiding such people’s comments and talks.

8: Choose Growth

Once you overcome some of your limiting beliefs and take steps that move you forward;

You start to observe how the change in your thoughts of limitations of yourself and how and where you have grown, and continue to grow.

This is where it gets beautiful.

Be open to new experiences and learning opportunities that can help challenge your existing beliefs.

9: Challenging your comfort zone:

Step outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis to push yourself both physically and mentally.

10: Influence others

Influencing others makes this feeling permanent.

You might find how in the shedding of your limiting beliefs, fears and everything holding you back, you have genuinely become an entirely different person.


Use self-reflection to question your limiting beliefs and see if they hold up to scrutiny.

Many people are not living the life of their dreams because they have a lot of limiting thoughts.

But how many of us go through life without challenging our very own stories?⁣

It is foolish to rely on random spurts of motivation

3 thoughts on “10 Proven Strategies to Challenge Limiting Beliefs”

  1. I really enjoyed reading this post. I totally agree that limiting beliefs won’t allow us attracting new opportunities. Acknowledging and reframing the limiting beliefs are the best ways to get out of them in my opinion. Thanks for putting this wonderful resource together!

  2. Inspiring and great tips! It’s hard to admit that our minds are the problem when it’s easier to blame the world for the life that we have. A few simple adjustments to the way we think can certainly change our lives for the better!

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