Success is not about the destination. But the person you become while pursuing it. The only way to think big, give generously and embrace change is to develop an abundance mindset. One thought, one change in belief – can change things. There is no shortage of success!
Most people think successful people do what they do primarily for the rewards. While in reality they’re more motivated by their vision they have which becomes their DRIVE.
How to develop an abundance mindset?
Every single thing I have now that I consider a “success” and those I hope to accomplish – I’ve already manifested myself as having them. This makes me think of why we all need to tackle life with an Abundance mindset. Every other thing becomes a bonus.
How to have an Abundance Mindset
1) Celebrate others for their successes
Celebrating other’s successes is the first step to creating an abundance mindset.
It costs nothing to celebrate with others. See other’s successes as part of your own success. If anything, if they can do it, so you can. When you celebrate others – they see and remember you on a better note and are happier with their lives.
On the other hand, when you only wait for people to fail so you can give advice – with time that’s all they associate you with which is a form of scarcity.
Here’s how the Digital creator, Dennis Yu put it:
I wish that I knew 20 years ago that it costs me ZERO to congratulate those around me who are experiencing success.I had a scarcity/jealousy mindset for so long– thinking that winning meant it had to be under my name, my company.Partnering with the top players not only means I don’t have to shoulder 100% of the load, but allows me to succeed beyond my wildest dreams.Now, the more I cheer, the more I win.
2) Simplify your life
Take for example – How do you get healthier? Conventional advice – Be able to afford the best healthcare in the world, buy good supplements, find organic foods etc.
A person with scarcity mindset would think health is such an expensive thing only the wealthy people have access to or you need to save up your entire life to live healthier.
Rather, think Abundance even health wise. Good health is in your finger tips – EVERYBODY. It starts with simple things like eliminating junk food, getting some physical activity daily that at least break some sweat and leveling up your Vitamin D levels which improves health overall.
You can apply this principle to studies, writing, sales etc. Putting in Reps and cutting the fluff does the magic.
Let go of the need for perfection and embrace imperfection.
3) Be Open minded
Focus on learning and growth. Learn from people way ahead of you.
Start to pay attention to what you are telling yourself? Even when life gets hard use words like “I’m working towards abundance.”
Think towards opportunities and growth.
In terms of finance, scarcity mindset only calculate Costs. Abundance mindset can see Investment.
If you’re stuck on something and see someone who has done it a 100x over – they deserve to set a price on it.
You don’t have to buy any course – especially if you think its overpriced. But its scarcity that makes you think everything paid is a scam – probably because you can’t “afford” it.
I know afford can mean different things to different people. Because there are people that can buy their girlfriends any amount of phone she wants yet can’t buy one half the price for themselves.
Labeling everything as a scam without critical thought is a dead giveaway of closed mindedness and a lack of development in that area.
— DAN KOE (@thedankoe) June 27, 2022
4) Raise your standards and open up yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities.
Sometimes we tolerate shit in our lives because we’re afraid we may never find another.
This includes our:
- Addictions
- Toxic relationships
- Toxic clients
- Jobs we hate.
How long would you stay stuck until you raise your standards? You have options, friend. Let go of weak boundaries, crappy relationships that is not serving you and doing shit you hate.
The moment you raise your standard and eliminate whatever you want to cut out from your life then your eyes become open to see the abundance in the world. So start visualizing yourself achieving your goals.
“To reclaim our power we must see an immediate shift in our belief about how influential we can be in shaping our reality. We must understand that nothing in life – including our circumstances or potential – is fixed. Instead we must believe that we can bend reality to our own preferences, crafting the lives we desire through disciplined learning and initiative.
We mustn’t wait for permission or perfect timing any longer. Instead we must be courageous and self-reliant, moving forward at a moment’s notice …
… and we must know all that we need is accessible in the Now – there is abundance in this world to be had and everything we need to begin the great quest towards a free and fulfilling life is already within us”
(Brendan Burchard, The Motivation Manifesto, p135-136)
5) Cultivate gratitude
The key is focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack. Without gratitude you never have time to count your blessings.
You keep thinking the grass is greener on the other side and even when you get there you only change the goal post.
With a gratitude mindset you start attracting endless love and abundance from the universe.
6) Be generous
Do an audit on your time and relationships today. Where and which platforms are you only a taker.
Change that.
How to have an abundance mindset?
Be a giver. Share more often. Give input. Show some love. You develop an abundance mindset on the spot.
If you would take, you must first give, this is the beginning of intelligence. – Lao Tzu
7) Quit comparing yourself with others
I’m all for seeing others successes as motivation and trying to beat records. But always watch your intentions.
Is your goal simply to be “better” than others so you could feel more valuable? That’s not abundance.
You’re enough. No accomplishments can change that. E.g if you want to be a better writer, rather than how many books you sell, the biggest way to measure your growth is your intrinsic motivation to write, how better you are getting it tomorrow and sharing your message. You got to do the inner work.
8) Let go of Fear and Doubts
Sometimes we think in order to be happier, feel fulfilled or reach a higher revenue goal … we had to do more or achieve a certain height.
But in reality, it only causes to be in a state of LACK instead of a state of abundance. And accompanying it is fear and burn out that can affect our health negatively.
My Coach friend Micheal Yeung says it best:
If you implement a strategy with fear, doubt, uncertainty, and scarcity… your results will be negatively affected.
While If you execute a strategy with optimism, zest, conviction, and abundance… your results will be positively affected.
Before you manifest any physical thing into your life, you have to BE the version who is capable of receiving it.
It all starts with creating an Abundance mindset. It goes along with other key factors like discipline, consistency and willpower.

I got attracted to tech from an early age getting close to my Father. Coupled with learning some high end skills i was able to build a 6 figure Ecommerce store a few years ago after graduating from Pharmacy.
The only way I have found to express myself as an introvert is through writing.
I’m convinced 100% that to build a 6-7-figure business and beyond you need to invest in yourself and your personal development.
The more you grow, the more your business will grow.
PS: I wrote a short book on why you don’t need more motivation and how to push through in such moments – get it here:
I wish more people move to have an abundance mindset. Things, in general, would be much better for everyone. Thanks for this post!