Do you have a poverty or wealth mindset? How do you create a wealthy mindset?
Mindset around money
Trying to attract abundance from a place of conscious or unconscious scarcity back-tracks to poverty, not wealth.
I have this belief that success is inevitable as long as you don’t quit.
Tomorrow is gon’ be better than today. And in terms of wealth, I feel the most important thing everyone needs is to fix their mindset.
Once you get your mindset fixed; you move from scarcity to abundance, complaining and making excuses to taking action, wishes and dreams to setting realistic goals, having a broke mindset to a wealth mindset.
Rich mindset vs poor mindset
Infact, I get this question a lot – “How much have you made from your writing?”
But I think its backwards to think like that from the start.
The purpose of my writing is beyond making money which I’ve also heard from great writers like James A. but to share my message and as a good side effect attract different networks, opportunities and wealth as a bonus.
Patience is key when it comes to building wealth. You need to be able to wait it out and not give up when things get tough.
How to develop a wealth mindset?
How do you fix your mindset from a broke mindset to wealth mindset?
1: Start small
Most successful Entrepreneurs started small.
Don’t go broke trying to look rich.
How hungry you are for success plus the momentum you can gain and a portion of luck determines how far you’ll go.
Your wealth mindset starts with a single focus– what do you want to achieve?
2: Investing in Yourself and Your Goals
Identify the areas of your life where you have a “broke” mindset, and work on changing those thought patterns to more positive, productive ones.
Well, it’s true that most people don’t have income to invest in more than their necessities of life.
But what differentiates you from having a broke mindset is your mentality. The key is financial literacy.
You can’t afford to wait to make and learn from all the mistakes yourself.
Take the time to get educated from books, courses, coaches that help build your mind.
Wealth is a mindset not a possession.
3: Take daily action
Get used to doing the Boring work.
A broke mindset believes in luck over action and winning the lottery over taking daily action.
By simply taking daily action that aligns to your goals – you are ahead of 90% of people waiting for a big break.
Achieving your goals requires consistent effort and hustle.
A “get rich fast” mindset will make 10x more mistakes than a “build wealth slowly” mindset
— Brian Feroldi (🧠,📈) (@BrianFeroldi) February 8, 2023
4: Use Time to your advantage
Wealthy people have a healthy relationship with their time.
They’ve learned to disconnect time from money. While people with a broke mindset have this backwards.
But at the start – each spare time while you’re actually broke is better spent investing into your mind or taking action.
Ultimately, you have to learn to separate your time from how much you earn – making your money work for you (last point).
5: Focus on your mission
If you’ve ever been hit by one of the big players, such as Google suspending your ads or Facebook blocking your account, you’ll notice how much they care more about you abiding by their policies and terms of service than how much money you have or are willing to spend on their platform.
Stay true to your character, integrity and core values no matter who much you have in your bank account.
You do this by seeing yourself as already wealthy, doing things that you love and enjoying financial abundance.
6: Shift your mindset from Scarcity to Abundance
It doesn’t matter if you grew up poor or come for shitty background. Being Broke is not an excuse.
Complaining has absolutely no strategic impact on attaining any result.
When you start thinking about all of the ways that you can create wealth, rather than what is lacking in your life, abundance will flow towards you.
Learn to see Wealth as an Abundance of Opportunity by stay committed and finding solutions instead of focusing on obstacles.
7: Become Optimistic
Sahil Bloom has a popular saying – “pessimists sound smart, but optimists get rich.”
So do you really think your dreams are possible?
Focusing on end failure instead of a possible success is one way to shoot yourself at the foot.
When you make affirmations – think and say your goals like they’re already in existence.
Create a wealth mindset in 2023, attracting money into your life using these 6 actions below:
— Cori Arnold (@iamcoriarnold) February 6, 2023
8: Surround yourself with positive people
Your mindset will be influenced by the people around you.
If you want a wealth mindset, associate yourself with people who have one.
Sometimes in a bid to help others – we want others to move with us at the same time.
One of the worst things you can do for yourself is stay stuck with friends that are not willing to change their mindset while you wait for them before you take any action.
Fact is most people are only going to believe in you once the see results – so why wait for them before taking action.
9: Identify and Solve Problems
Uber came up with the idea of ride sharing to minimize the problem of expensive taxis in big cities and can be used as a side hustle.
No time to spend four years in college? Udacity and several online courses platforms.
Check out more examples here.
Solving problems is the fastest way to fix a broke mindset.
10: Learn how to Invest
Find ways to make your money work for you.
If you ask anyone with with a broke mindset what they’ll do with $1,000,000 today – they’ll still be struggling with buying the new car and consumables than investing in their businesses, assets and properties to make tomorrow better.
This is the reason why most lottery winners, athletes and people who inherit chunks of money without learning how to manage it go broke very quickly.“
The broke are broke because they spend all their money. They wealthy are wealthy because they invest most of their money.
Poor mindset:
• Get paycheck
• Buy shit you don’t need
• Repeat for 45 years and call it a lifeRich mindset:
• Get paycheck
• Stack assets and act broke
• Passive income funds your lifestyleDestroy your addiction to instant gratification and wealth is guaranteed.
— Jay (@JayBWealth) December 29, 2022
Everything we are able to create and make in this material world began as a thought or image in someone’s head.
You must assign new beliefs and eliminate old ones as you work to improve your money attitude.
Thereby make your life reflect a different reality and take appropriate action. So you’ll be able to draw money into your life more readily, and the financial health of your business will significantly improve.

I got attracted to tech from an early age getting close to my Father. Coupled with learning some high end skills i was able to build a 6 figure Ecommerce store a few years ago after graduating from Pharmacy.
The only way I have found to express myself as an introvert is through writing.
I’m convinced 100% that to build a 6-7-figure business and beyond you need to invest in yourself and your personal development.
The more you grow, the more your business will grow.
PS: I wrote a short book on why you don’t need more motivation and how to push through in such moments – get it here:
Love this! These are such helpful tips. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this. It is important getting to remember getting rich does not happen over night and it is a process.