We all want to be good at what we do, give our best and get rewarded for it but how many people truly enjoy what they do?
Sometimes we’re close to quitting because let’s be real, things can be so stressful and exhausting.
And if you work already, have kids at home that need you or a ton of other commitments, and this isn’t working it’s one less stress to consider to eliminate.
It takes some consciousness to craft your work ethic and lifestyle that you actually enjoy what you do.
And if you’re lucky you may have made these decisions all unconsciously that has made enjoying what you do effortless.
10 ways to start enjoying what you do
1: Become Competent
Aim for mastery in what you do.
Don’t just be good on paper or theory – aim to be good at giving results.
Happy clients help bring more clients so make your client experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
Be the #1 in your industry.
You don’t just become competent overnight – you gotta show up every day and give you best shot.
I have a friend who’s always reading for one professional exam or another yet outworks almost anyone I know in his industry.
You start to get better at something when you do more of it. Go the extra mile!
2: Change your mindset
Enjoy the moment you’re in instead of always living in the past or future.
Whatever you do – do it with a set intention in mind.
Instead of thinking “I have to do this,” try thinking “I get to do this.”
Lots of opportunities in this age and the internet world! When searching for a job, consider your skills and what you enjoy doing.
Think about what you are good at and what kinds of tasks you enjoy performing. This will help narrow down your job options.
Say Keng Lee said: “Everything in life is possible; it’s just a question of strategy and discipline.”
What are those things you’re too old to do but you still enjoy? You gotta take responsibility for anything you do.
3: Be Authentic
First note that Authenticity does not substitute for competence.
Acknowledge where you are in your journey and let your ideal clients and team grow with you.
When you partner or work with a team or organization – choose people and industries you actually like.
Enjoyable relationships can go a long way when times get tough. Find a community of people who share your passion, and learn from them.
No matter how you believe in the “fake it, till you make it” idea – you gotta keep it real with your inner circle.
4: Focus on Service
The more you think of whom and why you want to serve – the more internal joy you get.
Get driven by something bigger than yourself.
Be it to impact your followers, serve your family, or live life on your own terms.
5: Bring the most value
Every person you see making money all has 1 thing in common:
They bring something of value to the marketplace.
While we get the most joy from things we do for fun – its still possible to make a decent income from our hustles and jobs.
It’s a win-win for everybody.
If you can deliver the highest value to your clients/employers – they won’t mind rewarding you beyond your expectations.
How to bring more value in your industry and get rewarded?
- Make more offers
- Get your mindset right
- Raise your prices
- Take advantage of business trends and opportunities!
6: Don’t focus on Passion alone!
Once you find something you’re passionate about, pursuing it will be much easier and more enjoyable.
But it’s a mistake to think you need to be super-passionate to enjoy what you do.
Robert Kayoski says “he doesn’t write books, because its fun.” He writes books to fulfill his purpose of serving others, plus provide him better opportunities and overall sense of joy and fulfillment in life.
Accept that sometimes you will NOT enjoy every minute of what you are doing, and if you don’t – you’re not in the wrong place.
I’ve written articles and posts that cost me at least 1 hour of my bedtime and i was almost in tears but in the end I never regretted those moments.
Simple question to find work you love: What do you enjoy refining?
Many people get excited to do something once, but ultimately get bored.
It’s the areas you can’t help yourself from rethinking, revising, reorganizing, and optimizing where you have a long-term advantage.
— James Clear (@JamesClear) April 6, 2019
7: Find meaning in what you do:
Ask yourself how your work contributes to the greater good. Those that choose to abandon their values in a quest for financial rewards are the ones that feel the most empty.
When you align your goals to your values you feel the most meaning and purpose which naturally leads to internal joy and happiness.
Find meaning and fulfillment by aligning your actions with your values.
The genuine delight I have and the genuine joy I assist others experience are what sustains me.
8: Volunteer more often!
Volunteering is an act of service where we’re reminded to do things not just because we want to be rewarded.
Fact is some efforts you give in life may never be compensated enough.
So why not take advantage of it – and do some things without the intention of mere applause.
9: Become an everyday Learner
Instead of trying to build your self-esteem or confidence on your Talents, past accomplishments or entitlements which don’t lead to internal joy – focus on being a learner.
Always be upgrading yourself.
Make a plan for what you want to achieve, and give yourself a pat on the back when you reach each goal.
10: De-stress your life
Stress is inevitable in what we do but we can be able to prevent burnout and unnecessary stress at work.
Stress steals joy and love for what you do.
So make an effort to:
✅ Learn healthy ways of coping with stress
✅ Have boundaries with your work and relationships
✅Rests when necessary
✅ quality sleep time and taking breaks.
✅ Prioritize family time and hobbies.
You will always feel like there is too much to do and not enough time.
Relax. Enjoy what you are doing.
Put in a bit more work every day.
Believe in your own growth.
Be serious, but don’t take yourself too seriously.
Life rewards those who stick around for long enough.
— Orange Book 🍊📖 (@orangebook_) July 1, 2021
Don’t forget to take care of yourself mentally and physically, and keep track of your accomplishments so you can see how far you’ve come.
Life moments and the results will truly satisfy you if you embrace the process and give it your all.
Remember, all work is boring, monotonous and difficult until you sanctify your work in the fire of sacredness.

I got attracted to tech from an early age getting close to my Father. Coupled with learning some high end skills i was able to build a 6 figure Ecommerce store a few years ago after graduating from Pharmacy.
The only way I have found to express myself as an introvert is through writing.
I’m convinced 100% that to build a 6-7-figure business and beyond you need to invest in yourself and your personal development.
The more you grow, the more your business will grow.
PS: I wrote a short book on why you don’t need more motivation and how to push through in such moments – get it here:
Great post. I especially like doing life with intent. Changing the mindset from “have to” to “get to” is such an important start to enjoying everything life offers.
Great post. I’ve taken a few tips away from this 🙂
love the inclusion of james clear! really big fan of him! great post!
These are such great points. I definitely think it’s important to keep learning and implement self care.