10 ways to instill learning in your home and kids

How can we develop self learning skills in kids in the home and school environment?

I used to base my self worth solely on grades. No wonder I was losing the joy and beauty of learning as i grew older especially when i didn’t meet my expectations.

Now i know better, the goal of education is beyond the walls of a classroom.

It’s important for us all to prioritize learning, education and growth for ourselves and our future generations.

I wish parents could be more proactive about their kids learning, education and personal growth as education is the key to success, and prioritizing continuous learning will lead to new opportunities..

10 ways to instill love for learning in kids 

1: Reward learning

Whatever habit we reward we see more of it. Create a reward system for your kids towards their education.

Rewarding learning can help instill learning in kids by creating a positive reinforcement mechanism that encourages the child to continue learning and to associate learning with positive experiences.

This can take many forms, such as tangible rewards like prizes or treats, or intangible rewards like praise and recognition.

The child starts to understand that their learning efforts can result in good things, which can inspire them to keep learning and working toward success.

It’ll improve their self-esteem and help them get more confident in their pursuits which can further fuel their motivation to learn.

2: Encourage Questions

Encouraging kids to ask questions helps instill learning in kids by promoting an inquisitive and curious mindset.

Leaders ask questions!

It’s also a great way for children to learn and engage with challenges in life.

Asking questions is a key aspect of the learning process, as it helps children gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and encourages them to think critically.

When children are encouraged to ask questions, they are more likely to be engaged and invested in their own learning, and they develop the habit of seeking clarification and further information on topics they don’t fully understand.

This habit can lead to a deeper and more lasting understanding of the subject matter.

Additionally, a culture of asking questions can foster a supportive and collaborative learning environment, where children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Encourage your child to ask questions and help them find answers. Even in their academic studies – let them know why you value learning over grades.

3: Encourage writing, journaling and brainstorming ideas

This is the key to help kids know themselves more and spark their creativity.

Here are a few examples of the various cognitive and linguistic abilities that are supported by this:

  1. Communication: Writing and journaling help kids express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and organized manner, which enhances their communication skills.
  2. Creativity: Brainstorming sessions and free-writing encourage kids to think creatively, generate new ideas, and explore different perspectives.
  3. Critical thinking: Writing and journaling encourage kids to reflect on their experiences and analyze information, helping them develop critical thinking skills.
  4. Vocabulary: Writing requires kids to use and expand their vocabulary, which in turn strengthens their language skills.
  5. Memory: Keeping a journal helps kids retain information better, as they are required to revisit and reflect on their experiences and ideas.

Overall, writing, journaling, and brainstorming help foster a love for learning and enhance academic and personal development.

See more tips on How to start Journaling.

4: Make it Fun!

The other day, a Mother on a podcast ironically was complaining of her kids never “read for fun.”

Meanwhile she wouldn’t allow them read some particular novels they were interested in because she thinks its a waste of time.

Learning should be a fun and enjoyable experience for children.

When learning is enjoyable, kids are more likely to be focused, attentive, and retain the information being taught.

Some ways in which making learning for fun can help instill learning in kids are:

  • Increased engagement: Fun activities and games hold kids’ attention and keep them interested in the subject, which leads to better retention and comprehension of the material.
  • Improved motivation: When learning is fun, kids are more motivated to participate and put in effort to achieve their goals.
  • Reinforcement of skills: Incorporating games and fun activities into learning helps reinforce the concepts and skills being taught, making them easier to remember.
  • Encouragement of creativity: Fun learning activities often require kids to think creatively, come up with innovative solutions, and develop their problem-solving skills.
  • Positive attitude towards learning: When learning is enjoyable, kids develop a positive attitude towards education, which can have long-lasting benefits for their academic and personal development.

Overall, making learning fun helps create a positive and engaging learning environment, which can have a significant impact on a child’s academic success and lifelong love for learning.

Try incorporating some fun e.g. games and activities into your child’s learning to keep them engaged.

5: Create Routines

A set daily routine will help children know what to expect each day and what is expected of them.

This will help them feel secure and build good learning habits.

Form good habits and make them your master – Brian Tracy

But this can be a downside if everything becomes predictable; hence boring.

There’s also a benefit in switching things up:

Ana Lorena explains this best on a tweet:

6: Limit how many hours you and your kids watch TV

We had a time limit on how much television we could watch when I was a child.

For a healthy balance, my parents wanted us to spend time on our homework, outside, and on chores.

Funny enough – but some homes have no limit on how many hours kids spend on TV even at bedtime.

Limiting TV time can help instill learning in kids by promoting other activities that support their education and personal growth.

For instance, limiting TV time can lead to an increase in time for reading, playing educational games, engaging in hands-on projects, and participating in physical activities, which can enhance their cognitive and social development.

In addition, reducing screen time can improve sleep habits and reduce distractions, both of which are crucial for academic success and better focus in the classroom.

If you don’t place a limit then they’ll find it hard to set better priorities.

In summary, limiting TV time can foster a more conducive environment for learning and academic success in kids.

7: Create a Learning Environment

Make your home Environment learning appealing.

Reading tables and any structures you set in place to make reading and all forms of learning effortless.

Utilize apps and devices like Kindle which support learning as a habit.

8: Lead by example

Kids tend to learn from their parents and people who are their role models.

If your kids have never seen you read for fun – how do you think they’ll take your words on learning?

Many times we remember to get new outfits, new gadgets but how much do we invest into our personal education.

Leading by example helps instill learning in kids because it sets a standard for behavior and attitudes, demonstrates the value of certain actions and beliefs, and creates a positive model for children to emulate.

When we as parents and teachers exhibit positive traits such as responsibility, empathy, and perseverance, children are more likely to adopt and internalize these qualities.

Such role modeling can also encourage children to adopt a growth mindset, which emphasizes the idea that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and practice.

In this way, leading by example can help instill lifelong learning habits and a love of learning in children.

9: Encourage Experimentation and taking action

What are their interests?

What they do want to try out?

Encouraging your child to be an active participant in their learning through things like discussion and hands-on activities.

If you encourage your kids to start taking risk while they’re young – they easier they can hit something big and worthwhile from a young age.

10: Why skills matter?

Kids should know why skills matter.

Each skill they gather under their belt gives them an edge over others.

Acquiring skills helps instill a love for learning in kids by providing them with a sense of accomplishment and building their confidence.

When children are able to successfully master a new skill or task, they feel a sense of pride and satisfaction.

This positive reinforcement can motivate them to continue seeking out new challenges and opportunities for learning.

Additionally, as children acquire new skills, they gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, which can increase their curiosity and interest in related topics.

The process of acquiring skills also helps children develop a growth mindset, as they learn that they can improve and grow through effort and practice.

Overall, acquiring skills can help instill a love for learning by creating a positive, self-reinforcing cycle of skill-building, motivation, and curiosity.

Let your kids pick one or two High-income skills and start getting good at it.


2 thoughts on “10 ways to instill learning in your home and kids”

  1. Great post. Thanks for sharing. Needs more pictures though 🙂 But you are absolutely right. Make it FUN, encourage, and set an example yourself. Kids are just parent’s copy-pasters 🙂

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