10 Simple Steps To Letting Go Of Your Insecurities

Are you thinking of ways you can let go of insecurities from both past and present?

If you don’t take hold of your insecurities they’ll scoop out all your energy.

Nobody has everything all figured out.

Signs you’re dealing with insecurity

Insecurities drain out your energy and can feed so much on emotions such as fear and hate.

  • When you ask questions all day instead of taking actions; you’re feeding on your fears.
  • When you have to tell others how much money you make or spend unnecessarily you’re feeding on your insecurity.
  • Insecurity about who your partner talks easily kills relationship.
  • Debating strangers online stems from insecurity and uncertainty.

One day you’re full of confidence but the next day your insecurities are eating you alive.

Get rid of the self doubt that’s holding you back by following these ten steps.

These article is a 10-step guide on how to let go of insecurities as insecurity can affect your relationships, health, and confidence.

10 Simple Steps To Letting Go Of Your Insecurities

1) Find your why

Identify where your insecurity are come from.

9/10 it often comes from what the society, family & friends told you from a young age.

A solid WHY would help you align with your purpose.

Then you can focus on what keeps you DRIVEN.

2) Be aware of your insecurity and don’t make fun of others insecurities.

Pinpointing the root of your self-doubt will help you tackle it head-on.

You got to stay away from people who expose your insecurities as a joke infront of others!

Often at times, hate is born from insecurities that some are unable to overcome from within.

3) Think Growth.

Stay hungry and you’ll always grow. When you feel you’ve arrived, you leave no room for growth.

Having a growth mindset is the only way to learn.

4) Discipline and humble yourself.

Ego is hardly out of humility and indiscipline manifests itself easily in how you act.

With self-discipline you can control yourself no matter how much you have in your bank account.

The key is unless you’re motivating someone into joining or succeeding in a business; you have no gain bragging about how much you make.

5) Think Abundance

Do you really feel you or your industry is special?

With an abundance mindset, you realize anybody can make it with consistency, discipline and hardwork.

Think again, because any can succeed by just putting their minds in what they do.

6) Ditch unnecessary competition

Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by other people’s projections. Don’t aim for Competition, aim for value.

“Life is a competition with yourself – not others. And if you want to win, you must make it easy for yourself.”

Like Peter Thiel says – Competition is for Losers. Easier said than done, but compare yourself to nobody but yourself.

7) Be a Giver

The cure for insecurity about wealth is giving. No one has ever become poor by giving!

Generosity does help.

9. Always Be Honest With Yourself

When you sit still in your own company, you have nowhere to hide and nowhere to run, so you are forced to confront your demons, insecurities, and other problems.

The only option left at this point is to be absolutely honest with yourself. It can feel liberating to address the things that have been weighing on your mind.

10. Let go

Freedom from insecurities is found in letting go.

Let go from what you think should happen. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

Letting go of your insecurities in your relationships

Sometimes we feel the need to let “haters” know we made it. That feeling of “they were wrong – I was right.”

That business your close friends, family and contemporaries thought cannot be enough to feed a family is now making bank and you feel the need to let the whole world know.

Except of course you’re doing it out of motivation to help others.

When you take the time to think through what you say always – a lot may be due to insecurity.

It also happens to parents. They hustled so hard to make it – and now they’re living large they don’t want their kids to undergo any form of suffering – so they give them all they ask so they won’t pass though anything they passed through.

The question is not whether these actions are good or bad.

But how much of it is due to feeling unsecured about the present, future and what others say about you.


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